Essam Shamim

Join 2300+ subscribers to the Essam’s Newsletter where Every Saturday morning you will receive at least 1 Actionable Strategy related to scaling your digital business’s revenue, operations and team.

I’m a Business Consultant for Digital Businesses.

I help digital businesses of different sizes scale revenue, operations and their team within 6 months depending on where they are in their journey.

With experience of working in Multi-national companies and co-founding three successful digital enterprises, I’ve achieved a combined annual revenue in millions of dollars.

I don’t consult in things which I haven’t done myself. I take a holistic approach to business consulting, guiding clients through complexities and opportunities as their company’s Non-Executive Director that serves their company’s interest.

I am currently serving as a Non-Executive Director on the boards of five digital businesses with a combined ARR in millions of dollars.

You can take my Agency Management Course in Urdu/Hindi that can benefit you if you are doing ARR up to $800k.

If you want me to be your company’s NED then you can drop me an email to see if we are the right fit at or fill in the form below.



Saturday Essam Weekly Newsletter

Every Saturday morning you will receive at least 1 Actionable Strategy related to growing revenue, operations and building high-performance team.


Non-Executive Director

This is a more 1-1 approach where I help you Scale Revenue, Operations and your businesses as a whole with Bespoke strategies designed for your business.


Agency Management Program (Urdu Only)

This is where I shared everything one needs to manage and sustain their digital business.

Want me to join your company as NED?

Fill the Below Form and I’ll get back to you.